Simulation-based Learning Experts

EmploSkills specializes in development of learning programs for Secondary, Vocational and Career Technical Education. We are an official partner and distributor of Hubro's award winning business simulations.

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Trusted by teachers in 100s of schools and used by over 50,000 students across the world.

Learn by Doing.

Simulations and experiential learning increase student engagement and improve test results.

Put theory into practice in your classroom.

Hubro Marketing

Apply key marketing concepts such as:

  • Product, Price, Promotion, Place and People
  • Customer Segmentation and Targeting
  • Product development, market communication, distribution, pricing, and personnel
  • Use of information about competitors to make strategic decisions
  • Customer needs, demand, willingness to pay and customer satisfaction

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Hubro Business

Apply key business concepts such as:

  • Analysis of supply and demand in the market
  • Budget and accounts
  • Fixed and variable costs
  • Optimization of production
  • Product development
  • Financing and debt management
  • Use of information about competitors to make strategic decisions
  • Address ethical, political, and strategic issue
  • Micro and macro concepts
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Hubro Sustainability

Apply key sustainable business concepts such as:

  • Strategic decision making and Environmental Sustainability
  • Green Supplier Management
  • Financial reporting
  • Social responsibility
  • ESG reporting and business impact
  • Climate risk through carbon taxes or governmental regulation
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Interested in helping us design and test new programs, exam training and assessments?  Reach out now to learn about becoming a Pilot School.


Our Team

We are Former Hubro-vians with 10+ years experience in simulation based and experiential learning.  

Merville Mouho
Founder and CEO
Email Merville

Phone: +47 988 15 864

Hi, my name is Merville!  

As the former Head of sales at Hubro Education,  I have had the privilege of developing simulation based learning journeys and courses for Schools, Universities and fortune 100 companies, impacting 10,000s of learners across 6 continents. 

I have experienced the powerful impact that simulation can have, on students  learning outcomes for learners at all levels. 

I am super excited to continue this work with EmploSkills.

Benjamin Lindmo Ryan
Co-Founder and Head of Sales
Email Benjamin

Phone: +47 47685497

Hi, my name is Benjamin!

My journey with the simulation based learning began during my time as a Secondary Education student, using Hubro’s Simulations in my course. I later joined Hubro as an intern, then apprentice, and I have been the Key Account for Secondary Education, from 2020, until now!

I bring can bring an unique perspective, having experienced the product firsthand as a student, that will bring valuable insights, and I know the Secondary Education segment very well, having worked with teachers and students across the world.

Classroom Ready

Interested to learn more about how this can work in your classroom? Contact us and we'll reach out to book a demo or answer any questions you have!

Thanks for reaching out. Talk soon!
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